My Telegram signal channel publishes signals to buy coins long in the format “buy #BTCUSDT”. What settings do I need to make for my Telegram strategy to buy coins on such a signal?

: Strategy settings

First, make sure that the channel you plan to receive the signal from has been added to the list of channels in the Settings – Telegram tab. On the Settings – AutoBuy tab, in the ‘Detect coins in Telegram’ area, uncheck the ‘Auto BUY from Telegram’ option and click on the ‘Advanced filter’ option. In the “Signals detection rules” area in the “Keywords (comma separated) in Long signal” field write the keyword, in your case it is “buy” and check the “Buy tokens tagged with” and below in the field write the tags “#,USDT”. Then create a Telegram strategy, select the desired signal channel from the list in the ChannelName parameter on the Main tab, and specify your keyword (buy) in the ChannelKey parameter. Set your other strategy parameters as required and save the strategy. After that, activate the Telegram strategy with a light next to it, signal “buy #BTCUSDT” in your signal channel and make sure the strategy places a long order on the BTC-USDT pair.