What is the HFT parameter in the strategy settings for?

: Strategy settings

The “HFT” parameter is an integer and indicates the time window in milliseconds during which the order is valid. If 0, it does not apply.
If a dedicated server with the MoonBot terminal installed on it has increased ping, the order command will take too long to reach the Binance exchange. If a small window is set, such an order will not be accepted by Binance.
This will avoid a situation where an order is placed “too late” and a buy occurs in changing market conditions.
On a dedicated Vultr server with a ping of 10-20 ms, you can set HFT = 100. If it will not accept orders, you can increase HFT to 200-300. If the order with the HFT parameter is not accepted, the bot will notify Telegram about it. You can adjust the frequency of such notifications in Preferences-Special (by default no more than once a minute).