What are the specific parameters of NewListing?

: Strategy settings

NewListing strategy does not have a separate Strategy setting tab, but when you create it, special parameters appear in the general tabs.
On the tab Buy conditions:
buyPriceAbsolute: NO/YES (NO by default), if NO, then buyPrice is calculated as a percentage of the market price (for example 1%), if YES, then buyPrice is calculated as an absolute value (for example $1).

On the Sell order tab:
SellPriceAbsolute: NO/YES (the default is NO), if NO, SellPrice is considered a percentage of the ASK price (for example 1%), if YES, SellPrice is considered an absolute value (for example $1).

SellFromAssets: NO/YES (by default NO), if NO, then strategy will not sell coins from balance, if YES, then strategy will sell coins from balance.

SellQuantity: the number of coins to sell from the balance (e.g. 1000 coins), if the parameter is set to 0″, then all coins must be sold.