Combo strategy is a combination of two other strategies (“Start” and “End”), which work together according to the following principle: after the triggering of the first strategy “Start”, the bot waits for a specified time, during which it checks the triggering of the second strategy “End”. If the triggering of the second strategy happens, the signal to buy is given. If not, the cycle is reset until the first strategy triggers again.
All buy, sell, and stop conditions are taken from the combo strategy, while “Start” and “End” are only used to check the signals. In the strategies themselves “Start” and “End” autobuying should be disabled!
MoonShot strategy does not work in Combo strategies.
All 3 strategies should be active. At log level less than 4 (Settings – Special) only Combo-strategy parameters are written to the log, at log level 4 or 5 – the log contains the “Start” and “End” strategy parameters.
When should the Combo strategy be used?
Strategy settings