Description of session settings in the Sessions tab of the MoonBot strategies:
IgnoreSession: YES \ NO – if YES, ignores all session settings (default).
SessionLevelsUSDT: (YES\NO) If Yes, then SessionStratMax and SessionStratMin are set in USDT, if NO, then as a percentage of OrderSize (by default YES)
SessionStratMax: Profitability threshold (in USDT), e.g. 200$. When the strategy reaches +200$, the profitable sessions counter is incremented, the negative session counter is reset, the current profit value is reset, the strategy will continue working using an increased order.
SessionStratIncreaseMax: Profitability threshold increase for SessionStratMax in percent. The value of the threshold will be automatically increased with each profitable session, starting with SessionPlusCount. If SessionStratIncreaseMax = 0 or SessionPlusCount = 0, the parameter is ignored.
SessionStratMin: The loss threshold (in USDT) is a negative value, e.g. -100$. When the strategy accrues -100$, the negative session counter will be incremented, the profitable sesion counter will be reset, the current текущее profit value will be reset, the strategy will be stopped for a time penalty equal to SessionPenaltyTime.
In this case, after the session is reset, orders opened by this strategy before the halt can be closed. In this case the session can again accrue a loss and will renew the time penalty.
SessionStratReduceMin: the percentage reduction of the loss threshold of SessionStratMin (positive value). The threshold value will automatically reduce with each negative session starting with SessionMinusCount.
For example: the threshold reduction percentage = 30%, SessionMinusCount = 3, SessionStratMin = -100$. If you have logged the 3rd consecutive negative session, the loss threshold is decreased to SessionStratMin =-100 / 30%=-77$.
The threshold reduction is calculated using the formula: SessionStratMin / ( 1 + (MinusCounter – SessionMinusCount + 1) * SessionStratReduceMin / 100);
For example, in case of SessionStratReduceMin = 30% and a base SessionStratMin = -100$, after the second negative session the threshold becomes 100 / (1 + 2 * 0.3) = 100 / 1.6 = 62.5
If SessionStratReduceMin = 0, the reduction is ignored.
The current actual thresholds can be viewed on the chart if “filters on chart” is enabled, the values of sMin and sMax.
SessionResetOnMinus: YES \ NO. – if YES, resets the current session profit to 0 after a negative trade (if the profit of the current session is positive and the loss is negative, trades larger than SessionStratMin/10).
SessionPenaltyTime: Time in sec., during which a strategy will not work following a negative session.
SessionPlusCount: a counter of consecutive profitable sessions starting with which the order size (according to the SessionIncreaseOrder parameter) and the sesion threshold (according to the SessionStratIncreaseMax parameter) will be increased. If a negative sesion is recorded, the counter is reset to zero.
SessionMinusCount: a counter of consecutive negative sessions starting with which the order size (according to the SessionReduceOrder parameter) and the sesion threshold (according to the SessionStratReduceMin parameter) will be decreased. If a profitable sesion is recorded, the counter is reset to zero.
SessionIncreaseOrder: order size increase percentage based on the increase in profitable sessions count starting with session number SessionPlusCount (positive value). If SessionPlusCount = 0 or SessionIncreaseOrder = 0 , the parameter is ignored.
For example: SessionPlusCount = 5, SessionIncreaseOrder = 10. Starting with the 5th profitable session the order will be increased by 10%.
The order size is increased exponentially: first increase = +10% of 100, second increase = +10% from 110, and so on. To view the actual order increase, see log entry: LINK: [1] (28) OrderSize increased by 33.10%: 100.00$ => 133.10$
SessionIncreaseOrderMax: The maximum limit for order size increase in percent based on the original OrderSize (default 500% = 5 times)
SessionReduceOrder: order size reduction percentage based on the increase in negative sessions count starting with session number SessionMinusCount (positive value). The order is decreased exponentially, by dividing by a percentage.
The first reduction = 100 / (1 + 20%) = 83.3$. The second reduction = 83.3 / (1 + 20%) = 69.4$, and so on.
To view the actual order reduction, see log entry: LINK: [1] (28) OrderSize reduced by 20.0%: 100.00$ => 83.3$
SessionReduceOrderMin: The maximum limit for order size reduction in percent based on the original OrderSize (default 500% = 5 times)
SessionResetTime: The interval (in sec.), after which an auto-reset of session counters occurs. Once in SessionResetTime sec., the profitable and negative session counters are decreased by 1, while the profit value is decreased by 10% (i.e. if the strategy is not working on a coin, with time, its session is reset to zero)