What in the MoonBot terminal is the “Signal Message Filtering” area on the Settings- AutoPurchase tab responsible for?

: Interface configuration

In the MoonBot terminal, the “Signals detection rules” settings area of the Settings – AutoBuy tab is for fine-tuning the parameters that will be used for auto-buy. In all Telegram channels, the name of a coin is given differently, some channels may use #,$,! symbols in front of the coin name, while others use the word buy, since all channels are individual and send signals with different syntax, you will need to configure your own filter for the desired keywords and parameters.

“Keywords (comma separated) in Long signal”: a list of keywords (separated by commas) that MoonBot looks for in the message. MoonBot will place a buy long order if it finds any of the words from your list in the message.

“Buy if distance between token and key word less then (N) words”: Normally, a signal message will have a keyword next to the token (for example, “Buy some #NEO”, with 1 word “some” between them). In other messages like weekly reports or general discussions, the keywords and tokens are further apart, which helps to filter such messages.

“Buy tokens tagged with”: a list of tags preceding a token. This option helps the bot distinguish real buy signals from empty information in the signal channel. For example, if you leave the default tags “#, $”, then “Buy #START” or “Buy $ START” will be treated as signals, whereas “START buy coins” will not be a signal.

“Blackwords (comma separated) in message”: a comma-separated black list of words in the message that MoonBot will not buy if detected. Typically, these are words used in old signal reports (“we gave #NEO signal last week”, “we called #TRIG”, “#NEO raised 68k”, etc.).

“Words count in message less then”: total number of words in the message (including links and numbers, dates, prices). Helps the MoonBot terminal to distinguish real signals from long general discussion messages.

“Words in message to buy at lower price”: In some cases, channels do not specify a buy price but suggest to buy at a lower level, then you should specify a list of such words and set how much lower from the current price a buy order should be placed.

If you have checked the box “Words in message to buy at lower price”, two additional sliders are unblocked: “Buy for market price N%” and “Auto cancel lower BUY after M minutes”.

“Keywords (comma separated) in Short signal”: a list of keywords (comma separated) that MoonBot searches for in the message. MoonBot will place a buy short order if it finds any of the words from your list in the message.

“Buy tokens tagged with”: if checked, you can enter comma-separated tags in the field below which will autopurchase

“Tokens without tags”: if checked, autopurchase will also be possible by untagged coin name, e.g. “VTS”.

“Links”: the autopurchase will be possible if you specify in your signal the link to the exchange where the coin to be bought is traded.

“Special”: use special token spellings, e.g. C O I N, (C) (O) (I) (N) etc.

“Buy if only 1 token found in message”: usually the real signal message contains exactly 1 token, so in most cases you should enable this option. There may be rare exceptions. If you uncheck this box, the bot will select a token that is repeated most of the time, e.g. an ETH coin will be selected in a message of the form: ” BUY #ETH, #ETH will go to the moon like #BTC”.

“Buy only if price specified in message”: MoonBot checks if there is a buy price in the signal message. If there is more than 1 price in the message, the bot will take the maximum price of all message prices that are lower than the current market ASK, but no less than 15%.

“Use specified price from the message”: MoonBot will use the price from the message to buy and will place a buy order at that price. If the price in the message is higher than the current price, the buy order will be placed at the market price.

If the option “Use specified price from the message” is checked, then an additional slider “BBuy for specified price +N%” is enabled, by means of which it is possible to increase or decrease the price from the message as a percentage.

“Use Stops, TakeProfit in message”: if checked, since the minimum price in the message is usually a stop loss, a stop loss will be placed at this level after buying the coin. The second price after the buy price is usually the price of the coin, at which the profit should be fixed, in this case, when it reaches this take profit, MoonBot will set a trailing stop and thus fix the profit, if the price goes higher, the trailing stop will accompany it higher, if the price goes lower, the take profit will be fixed at the last trailing stop position. The Sell order in this strategy should be raised higher than the price indicated in the message (e.g. by +30%).