File system

Into which file are the colour settings of the MoonBot terminal written?

Such data is written in the root folder of the MoonBot terminal in the file MoonBot.ini. The file contains specific colour settings of the bot themes: chart background, grid colour and display of trades, order book colours, as well as additional system parameters for faster strategies, strategy recording parameters (short or long form), the number

Into which file are the colour settings of the MoonBot terminal written? Read More »

In which file in the MoonBot terminal folder are the API keys and basic MoonBot terminal settings stored?

Such data is stored in the root folder of the MoonBot terminal in the BotConfig.bcfg file, which is the main file with bot settings, and also stores encrypted API key and API secret, profile parameters, location of sliders and checkboxes, bot colour theme type (light or dark), etc. Ensure that the BotConfig.bcfg file is properly

In which file in the MoonBot terminal folder are the API keys and basic MoonBot terminal settings stored? Read More »