Interface configuration

Is it possible to export data from the MoonBot terminal from the “MarketsTable” to Excel?

On the main MoonBot screen, click on the “Show Markets” button and a separate “MarketsTable” will open, displaying data on the coins traded on the current pair. In the bottom right corner of the “MarketsTable” there is an “Export to csv” button that allows you to export data from this table into .csv format for […]

Is it possible to export data from the MoonBot terminal from the “MarketsTable” to Excel? Read More »

What are the fields and buttons at the bottom of the MoonBot “MarketsTable” and what do they mean?

Click on the “Show Markets” button on the main window of the MoonBot terminal and in the opened “MarketsTable” window there is a “Funnel” (Column Filters) button on the bottom left. If you click on it, you can check or uncheck the column names in the opened window. If the checkbox is checked, the column

What are the fields and buttons at the bottom of the MoonBot “MarketsTable” and what do they mean? Read More »

How can I copy the entire list of coins from the “MarketsTable” to the buffer?

To do this, you need to click on the “Show Markets” button, open a separate “MarketsTable” window, stand on the bottom coin from the list, right-click on it in the additional menu and select “Copy markets above selected”. All coins from the top coin up to the selected one will be copied to the clipboard,

How can I copy the entire list of coins from the “MarketsTable” to the buffer? Read More »

What does the “72h channel” column in the MoonBot “MarketsTable” mean?

The “72h channel” column in the “MarketsTable” contains two figures: the average hourly price change over the last 3 days and the ratio of the minimum to maximum daily volume over the last 10 days excluding pummels. These parameters allow estimating the influence of fundamental reasons on the trend. That is, for example, if a

What does the “72h channel” column in the MoonBot “MarketsTable” mean? Read More »