What does the 5m vol column in the MoonBot “MarketsTable” mean?
The “5m vol” column in the “MarketsTable” is the five minute volumes on the coin.
What does the 5m vol column in the MoonBot “MarketsTable” mean? Read More »
The “5m vol” column in the “MarketsTable” is the five minute volumes on the coin.
What does the 5m vol column in the MoonBot “MarketsTable” mean? Read More »
In Menu – System Settings, the “Use memory for charts: XX%” slider is now available in VPS mode on a 1GB VPS with paging enabled. This setting affects the number of crosses on the chart in the report. It is strongly recommended to increase its value only on 2GB VPS!
On the main window of the MoonBot futures terminal, you can change the scale of the chart using the fixed buttons, and two scales with scale are available:1) If the x9 button is not pressed, the following selection of scale values is available: 100%, 50%, 20%, 5%, 2%, Auto.2) If the x9 button is pressed,
Which chart scale can be selected on the MoonBot futures terminal? Read More »
Due to the rebranding of the Huobi exchange and renaming it to the HTX exchange in the MoonBot terminal, the exchange was renamed from Huobi to HTX in the Settings-Login tab, the old HT token was replaced with the new HTX token and is now shown in millions of tokens on the main window of
The “3h. Delta” column in the “MarketsTable” is the three hourly deltas of coins.
What does the “3h. Delta” column in the MoonBot “MarketsTable” mean? Read More »
If you go to Menu – System Settings in the MoonBot terminal, you can see the current paging file size in this window. We strongly recommend setting the paging file size to a fixed 4 GB. To do this, click the “Set PageFile-Control panel” button in the System Settings window, which will open the System
What is the recommended swap file size on a computer running the MoonBot terminal? Read More »
Yes, on the main window of the MoonBot futures terminal, you can select 4x leverage in the discrete leverage selection menu.
In the MoonBot terminal, the Menu – System Settings window has a setting: “Use GPU Canvas” – Use graphic acceleration (screen scale will always be 100%; may produce artefacts on some systems).
The “1m Delta” column in the “MarketsTable” is the minute deltas on the coins.
What does the “1m Delta” column in the MoonBot “MarketsTable” mean? Read More »
Binance Exchange has announced that it will discontinue use of the WebSocket domain wss://fstream3.binance.com on February 29, 2024 at 06:00 (UTC). API users are instructed to connect via a new WebSocket connection to wss://fstream.binance.com after this deadline to ensure continued access to data from the Binance Futures WebSocket server.The exchange has provided guides for WebSocket