Strategy settings

Where in the Pump strategy settings can I set a timer to move the Sell order away from the peak price?

The Pump strategy has the PumpMoveTimer parameter: Sell order relocation timer, if 0, the Sell order is not relocated. This parameter works together with the PumpMovePercent parameter, which in turn determines by what percentage of the peak price the Sell order is moved, after the time specified in the PumpMoveTimer parameter.

Where in the Pump strategy settings can I set a timer to move the Sell order away from the peak price? Read More »

How can I adjust the MoonBot strategy to make it work more often?

To make the Pump strategy work more often, you should set the filters ignore (IngnoreFilters=YES) and set the following values in the Pump strategy settings: PumpPriceInterval=60(sec), PumpPriceRaise=0.5(%). In this case the maximum possible interval for the analysis and a slight increase in price during this interval will be selected. Keep in mind that the exchanges

How can I adjust the MoonBot strategy to make it work more often? Read More »

How do I set up a Pump strategy in MoonBot so that it is triggered mainly by sharp price movements, e.g. over 10%?

For the Pump strategy to be triggered by sharp price increases above 10%, you need to set the following values in the Pump strategy settings: PumpPriceInterval=4(sec), PumpPriceRaise=10(%). In this case the shortest possible analysis interval will be selected, during which the strategy will look for a sharp price rise above 10%.

How do I set up a Pump strategy in MoonBot so that it is triggered mainly by sharp price movements, e.g. over 10%? Read More »