What is the TakeProfit parameter in the strategy settings?
The TakeProfit parameter is used to record the take profit value (in %) to the purchase price.
What is the TakeProfit parameter in the strategy settings? Read More »
The TakeProfit parameter is used to record the take profit value (in %) to the purchase price.
What is the TakeProfit parameter in the strategy settings? Read More »
The TrailingSpread parameter indicates the spread value for the PanicSell trailing (in %).
What is the TrailingSpread parameter in the strategy settings? Read More »
The Trailing EMA parameter records the number of ticks, for which the peak price is averaged, if 0, the parameter is not used. This parameter is used to prevent the trailing stop moving up by the same 10%, since after such passes the ASK order book is filled immediately, our trailing stop will appear in
What is the Trailing EMA parameter in the strategy settings? Read More »
The TrailingPercent parameter is responsible for trailing percentage and this value is negative.
What is the TrailingPercent parameter in the strategy settings? Read More »
Yes, trailing functions are implemented in the MoonBot terminal. Trailing can be configured either in the main parameters (on the Settings-Main tab) or on the Stops tab of the strategy settings, tick UseTrailing=YES and use additional parameters to configure trailing below.
The second and third stoplosses have been introduced in the strategy settings as “stops without loss when positive prices are reached” or stops to close positions by time, i.e. stop2 and stop3 can be characterised as some variation of a take profit with extended parameters.
Such a limit can be set in the AllowedDrop3 parameter, which is the level by which the third stop loss can drop the price, (in %) to the buy price. If the price decreases further, if the order is still not sold and the main stop is reached, the AllowedDrop from the main stop will
The second stop loss level in (in %) of the purchase price is set using the StopLoss3 parameter in the strategy settings.
Where do I set the level of the third stop loss in the strategy settings? Read More »
The time in seconds until the third stop is activated can be specified in the TimeToSwitchStop3 parameter.
What parameter adjusts the activation time of the third stop? Read More »
This can be set in the PriceToSwitchStop3 parameter of the strategy settings. In the field of this parameter, specify the price as a percentage of the purchase price at which the stop line is moved to the stop3 line.