Yes, you can, by opening the Settings-Hotkeys tab in the MoonBot terminal and setting the desired hotkey combination in the “Chart ScreenShot” field (default CTRL+F10). This hotkey allows you to take a screenshot only of the coin chart that is open in full scale. When you press this hotkey, a special window “Send ScreenShot” will appear, where you can see the trading chart at the moment of pressing the hotkey and a field for caption to the screenshot. In this field you can write your comments and then use the CTRL+Enter key combination to send this screenshot to the MOON BOT® crypto Curriculum Telegram groups: and MoonBot Profit: If you change your mind about sending the screenshot to the Telegram groups, you can press the ESC key or the cross in the upper right corner of the window and close it. Even if you close the “Send ScreenShot” window, the screenshot of the trading chart will remain in the clipboard and can be sent to your Telegram channel, for example, by clicking on the message in your Telegram channel, then pressing CTRL+V (paste from clipboard) and then sending it.
Can I quickly take a screenshot of a trading chart on the main window in the MoonBot terminal using a hotkey?
Interface configuration