PumpVolPerSec=1 (BTC),
PumpVolEMA=2 (sec),
With this setting, the MoonBot terminal will scan all coins that fit the common filters. As soon as it notices that in the last 4 seconds (PumpPriceInterval=4) the price has increased by 2% or more (PumpPriceRaise=2), with at least 1 BTC purchased from the ASK order book (PumpVolPerSec=1), considering PumpVolEMA=2, according to which 50 % of volume of previous 2 sec + 100 % of volume of current 2 sec should be more than the specified value PumpVolPerSec=1 BTC, and more than 5 orders in the order book were bought out (PumpBuysPerSec=5), considering that that this price move was made not by one buyer who bought on the market by making a shoot up, but there were at least 2 (PumpBuyersPerSecMin=2) and not more than 100 buyers (PumpBuyersPerSecMax=100), then the detection will trigger and the coin will be bought when the AutoBuys parameter is enabled (AutoBuy=YES), according to your strategy settings, or the strategy will simply give a detective if the AutoBuys was disabled.