In the MoonBot terminal, the Start button constantly turns off and lights up green. It is impossible to trade, what to do?

: General errors

If you periodically have the Start button pressed and the MoonBot terminal stops working, the reasons for the stops should be looked for in the log and then in the “Settings – Autostart” tab, where you need to check the checkboxes on the following items:
1) In the parameters “Stop If loss greater then”: you should disable the checkboxes or increase the threshold values for the bot stop.
2) In “Auto Stop if errors level > = 3” (adjustable by slider): disable checkboxes or increase the values of error threshold.
3) In “Auto Stop if Ping > 1000 ms” (controlled by slider): disable checkmark or increase ping value.

Please note that these settings are protective in the MoonBot terminal and allow you to protect your trading in case of exceeding the loss value, or if there are errors in the API connection with the exchange, or a bad ping, which may lead to freezing of orders and loss of trading positions. Study these options carefully and use these settings knowledgeably as needed!