In the upper left corner of the chart I see the parameter Vd, what is this parameter and where can I set it?

: Strategy settings

In MoonBot, Vd is called the “Minute Volume Delta” and is calculated as the ratio of the last minute volume to the average minute volume over the last 3 hours. A value of 1 means that the current volume is equal to the average volume. Normally an increase in this parameter means that the minute volumes have started to increase, which causes the price of the coin to rise. In the strategy settings on the Filters tab, the values for this parameter are:
MinuteVolDeltaMin: The minute volume delta, not less than (if 0, it is not counted).
MinuteVolDeltaMax: The minute volume delta, not more than (if 0, then it is not taken into account).
You can specify a boundary for the “Minute Volume Delta” from the minimum to the maximum value within which the strategy will be able to place orders on coins.