What are the advanced settings for the “Hvol” button (horizontal volumes) in the MoonBot terminal?

: Interface configuration

Right-clicking on the “HVol” button will open an additional menu for configuring the horizontal volume display.
“PriceFrame”: set the price step: if 0%, the bot will measure volumes for buying and selling at every price value (for example at 1000, 1001, 1002 etc.) if 1%, it will measure volumes in the 1% price range (for example near the price of 1000 the bot will show volumes at prices from 995 to 1005).
“TimeFrame”: the measurement time, the maximum value is 48 hours. If you choose TimeFrame up to 24h, then volumes are calculated as trades, if more than 24h – as candlesticks.
“Width”: the width of the histogram (in percent of the chart’s total width).
“Opacity”: the transparency of volumes.