You can take advantage of our following tips for setting up dedicated servers (VDS) for autotrading using the MoonBot terminal.
1) In Menu – System Settings – check the box “VDS optimized mode”. It is highly desirable to set it, as this option saves server resources, less memory and CPU are spent on storing and drawing of charts, more resources are allocated to the algorithms.
2) In Menu – System Settings – set up auto-login in windows: enter your login and password from your Windows account and click “AutoLogin” button. You can also add the MoonBot terminal to autorun. To do this, click the “Autostart on windows startup” button in the same settings menu and restart your server for verification (hot restart via VDS control panel), the MoonBot terminal should automatically start and continue its operation after the operating system boots.
3) Be sure to disable Windows and Defender updates! Otherwise, during update the system may close the bot, and the orders will remain hanging on the exchange.
4) Be sure to disable “Automatic Daylight Saving Time and back” on the VPS, or better set the time zone to “(UTC) Time in UTC”.
5) When running Mshots with short price interval (up to 0.5% of the difference between MshotPriceMin and MshotPrice), it is recommended to use new parameter MShotAddDistance=50, and MShotUsePrice=Trade. In this case, the price for order rearrangement will be taken by the price of the last trade, and the bot will rearrange orders faster. This is especially relevant when trading futures.
6) In strategies focusing on fast trading (MoonShot with short interval, MoonStrike, Drops with small drawdown) it is recommended to use a non-zero value of the HFT parameter (an integer).
7) In tab “Settings – Autostart” we recommend to enable option “Auto Stop if errors level > = 3”, number of errors API should be equal to 3 or 4. Restart at the earliest after 20 minutes.
8) You can also use the “Auto Stop if Ping > 1000 ms” checkbox in the “Settings – Auto-Start” tab. The ping threshold is adjustable from 100ms to 2000ms. If the ping has increased, then most likely you have a problem with the internet or lags occur on the exchange, in which case there is a great risk of losing order controllability and then you can use this protection to avoid trading in times of high pings.
What are the guidelines for setting up dedicated servers (VDS) for auto-trading with the MoonBot terminal?
Interface configuration