What are the specific parameters of a Drop Detection strategy?

: Strategy settings

Specific Drop Detection parameters:

DropsMaxTime: Coin analysis period, seconds. All parameters below are estimated based on this parameter. Example: 100 sec is set, the bot evaluates the change in the price of the coin over the last 100 sec, i.e. after every second of time the bot tracks a new interval.
DropsPriceMA: The interval over which the bot averages prices, seconds. This means that the bot will take the average value of the price for the given interval. Example: We set 20 seconds and DropsMaxTime =100. Then over the entire period of analysis of 100 seconds the bot will have zones for the calculation (1-21 sec. 2-22 sec. 3-23 sec. ….-100 sec.), in which it will know the average price for each zone. If you do not want to average prices, you can set this parameter to less than 2 (the bot receives prices from the exchange at intervals of 2 seconds), then given DropsMaxTime =100 we will have zones of 2 seconds (1-2.2-3.3-4.4-5…99-100), in which it will know the price of each zone.
DropsLastPriceMA: Averages the latest prices (number of 2 x second intervals). If we set it to 0, the averaging is not done. In case of a sharp price breakdown and its instantaneous return to the starting point, the strategy will work.
DropsPriceDelta: Percentage drop during the analysis period. Calculated as (highest price / lowest price – 1) * 100.
DropsPriceIsLow: If set to YES, then in addition to the conditions described above, the current market price must be the one-hour low.
DropsUseLastPrice: if YES, the LastPrice price (from the detector calculation) will be used to calculate the purchase price.