File system

I haven’t set a password on the MoonBot terminal, but it asks for a password when it starts up. What do I need to do?

If you didn’t set a password on the MoonBot terminal, you need to close it and replace the BotConfig.bcfg file saved before the last update. To do this, first close the MoonBot terminal and delete the BotConfig.bcfg file from the root folder, then copy the last file “BotConfig- v5xx (DD_MM_YYYYY).bcfg” from the bak folder to […]

I haven’t set a password on the MoonBot terminal, but it asks for a password when it starts up. What do I need to do? Read More »

What is stored in the data \ CoinsComments.txt text file of the MoonBot terminal?

The data \ CoinsComments.txt file stores coin comments that you can make on the right-hand control panel of the MoonBot main terminal window in the field below the “Multi:, B:, S:” entries. To edit a comment, click on the Comment caption (double-click to edit) or on an empty field when the cursor changes its state

What is stored in the data \ CoinsComments.txt text file of the MoonBot terminal? Read More »

In which file are the records of all orders that have been placed on the MoonBot terminal chart stored?

The data folder of the MoonBot terminal contains files of the following form: BinanceBTCOrders.backup – this is, for example, the main file where all orders (BUY, SELL, PENDING) placed on the chart for a BTC pair are kept. The files BinanceBTCOrders.backup2 and BinanceBTCOrders.backup3 are copies of the main file BinanceBTCOrders.backup and if it is accidentally

In which file are the records of all orders that have been placed on the MoonBot terminal chart stored? Read More »