Interface configuration

How do I change the color of the red crosses in the spot market that are displayed parallel to the futures trades when I trade on the futures market in the MoonBot terminal?

In the MoonBot futures terminal, go to the Settings – User Interface – Color Setup tab and in the SpotRed setting, select the color of the red crosses (trades) on the spot market, as well as their transparency.

How do I change the color of the red crosses in the spot market that are displayed parallel to the futures trades when I trade on the futures market in the MoonBot terminal? Read More »

How do I change the background color of the green order book in the MoonBot terminal?

In the MoonBot terminal, click on the Settings – User Interface tab, then click on the Color Setup button and in the VolGreen setting, select the background color of the green order book. The same setting also changes the color of the volumes to buy (green) on the vertical and horizontal histograms at the same

How do I change the background color of the green order book in the MoonBot terminal? Read More »