Interface configuration

My MoonBot cannot place more than 30 orders, although there are no such restrictions in the strategy settings, what is the reason?

In MoonBot, the Settings – Advanced – System tab has settings that control the total number of orders that can be placed in MoonBot. If “Unlimited orders” is not checked near the parameter, you can set the maximum number of orders to 30 in the “Max Orders” field. If you need more orders, check the

My MoonBot cannot place more than 30 orders, although there are no such restrictions in the strategy settings, what is the reason? Read More »

How can I in the MoonBot terminal change the length of time the charts are recorded in the report after a trade is closed, for example, to 10 minutes?

In the MoonBot terminal, on the Settings – Advanced – System tab there is a slider “Charts in reports XX mins after close”, set it to “10 minutes”. Immediately after closing a trade, you cannot view the chart until the specified time XX has passed, i.e. the chart recording is over.

How can I in the MoonBot terminal change the length of time the charts are recorded in the report after a trade is closed, for example, to 10 minutes? Read More »

What is the “Log level (0 – less, 5 – more): N” setting on the Settings – Advanced – System tab of the MoonBot terminal?

The MoonBot terminal has a “Log level (0 – less, 5 – more): N” tab on the Settings – Advanced – System tab that lets you choose how much detail to log at run time. The most comprehensive information will be logged at log level 5, the shortest data will be logged at log level

What is the “Log level (0 – less, 5 – more): N” setting on the Settings – Advanced – System tab of the MoonBot terminal? Read More »

Why do I need information about the presence of BNB on the main MoonBot terminal screen?

This is information about the balance of BNB coins that are intended to pay commission when trading. Trading using BNB coins for commission has several advantages compared to trading without them. First of all, exchange gives you 25% discount on trading commission, and for example, for VIP0 level instead of 0.1% commission, exchange will charge

Why do I need information about the presence of BNB on the main MoonBot terminal screen? Read More »

What is the purpose of the “Auto buy BNB” setting on the MoonBot’s Settings – Advanced – Engine settings tab?

In MoonBot, on the Settings – Advanced – Engine settings tab, you will find the “Auto-Buy BNB” setting. On the Binance exchange, you pay a commission on the size of your order for a buy+sell transaction. If you have BNB tokens in your account, you will pay the commission with them and the commission will

What is the purpose of the “Auto buy BNB” setting on the MoonBot’s Settings – Advanced – Engine settings tab? Read More »