Strategy settings

I want the grid with multi-orders to be cancelled not immediately, but gradually order by order, is it possible to configure it in the MoonBot terminal?

Yes, you can implement the function of gradually cancelling the grid of orders one after another, if you use the CancelBuyStep parameter: increase step of the time to cancel buy orders when the orders are placed in the grid (value is set in seconds).

I want the grid with multi-orders to be cancelled not immediately, but gradually order by order, is it possible to configure it in the MoonBot terminal? Read More »

I do not want to set up a grid with equal order sizes, but with increments, so that each successive order is larger than the previous one, how can I do that?

Use parameter OrderSizeStep for this – it defines the step of change of the subsequent order size in the grid, in percent. If 0, then do not change the order size and all orders placed in the grid will have the same order size.

I do not want to set up a grid with equal order sizes, but with increments, so that each successive order is larger than the previous one, how can I do that? Read More »