Interface configuration

What do I need to do to make the MoonBot terminal show separate horizontal dashed lines of limit orders in the order book area?

In MoonBot on the Settings – User Interface tab there is a slider called “Orders”, which can be used to adjust the visibility of individual horizontal dashed lines of limit orders in the order book area. If you set this slider to 0%, the lines will not be visible, if you set it to 100%, […]

What do I need to do to make the MoonBot terminal show separate horizontal dashed lines of limit orders in the order book area? Read More »

Which setting is responsible for the order in which the current coin price is displayed on the right-hand control panel or in the spread area between the glasses on the MoonBot main terminal window?

In MoonBot on the Settings – User Interface tab under the “Order’s caption”, “under line” setting, there is a menu that allows you to select three modes of displaying the current coin price on the MoonBot main window: 1) Cur. Cur. price in the right panel – the current coin price will be displayed in

Which setting is responsible for the order in which the current coin price is displayed on the right-hand control panel or in the spread area between the glasses on the MoonBot main terminal window? Read More »

I want to hide in the MoonBot terminal on the charts and in the list of orders the profit in dollars and leave only the percentages, can I do it?

Yes, in the MoonBot terminal to remove the display of the amount in $ on the charts and in the list of orders, to do this, on the tab Settings – User Interface uncheck the option “Show profit in $”.

I want to hide in the MoonBot terminal on the charts and in the list of orders the profit in dollars and leave only the percentages, can I do it? Read More »

I have 2 orders open, but when I click the mouse wheel, it closes all two orders before it closed only one, how do I fix this?

You should check all combinations in order management by clicking the “Middle-Click” mouse wheel (on the Settings – User Interface tab of the “Mouse clicks settings for orders management” button menu and also in the M button “Use multi orders” menu on the main MoonBot terminal window) and check that there are no identical combinations

I have 2 orders open, but when I click the mouse wheel, it closes all two orders before it closed only one, how do I fix this? Read More »