Strategy settings

How can I restrict the strategy from working on coins with leverage above x20 in the MoonBot terminal?

In the MoonBot terminal, in the strategy settings on the Filters tab, there is a parameter MaxLeverage (maximum leverage), up to which to take coins into work. If the leverage on coins is higher than the specified leverage, the strategy will not take such coins into work. If IgnoreFilters = YES is checked, this filter

How can I restrict the strategy from working on coins with leverage above x20 in the MoonBot terminal? Read More »

In the upper left corner of the chart on the main window of the MoonBot futures terminal for Binance exchange I see the words Monitoring, Fan, Seed, Launch, Gaming in different combinations on different tokens, what is this?

The Binance exchange uses special tags for some tokens, which can be presented in various combinations. You can filter coins with tags using the parameter on the Filters tab of the strategy settings TokenTags= token tag field (Binance only!). Acceptable tags in the field of this parameter are Monitoring, Fan, Seed, Launch, Gaming. The tokens

In the upper left corner of the chart on the main window of the MoonBot futures terminal for Binance exchange I see the words Monitoring, Fan, Seed, Launch, Gaming in different combinations on different tokens, what is this? Read More »

Is there a SamePosition setting on the Filters tab, does it work in MoonBot’s MoonHook strategy?

In the latest versions of the MoonBot terminal, the SamePosition parameter on the Filters tab now works for MoonHook strategies as well. If SamePosition=YES is set, this strategy will place orders only in the direction of the open position. We recommend updating your version of MoonBot terminal to the latest version.

Is there a SamePosition setting on the Filters tab, does it work in MoonBot’s MoonHook strategy? Read More »

What is the SellLevelDelayNext parameter for in strategy settings?

The SellLevelDelayNext parameter of the strategy settings specifies the time in seconds after which the next Sell order transposition according to the SellLevel algorithm is performed. The first permutation is performed after SellLevelDelay time (in seconds), starting from the second – after SellLevelDelayNext time (in seconds). If SellLevelDelayNext=0, this parameter is not used and all

What is the SellLevelDelayNext parameter for in strategy settings? Read More »