Strategy settings

I have set the stop delay for 5 seconds after buying a coin and during these 5 seconds I don’t see the trailing line. Is this normal trailing behaviour?

Yes, this is normal trailing behaviour. In the MoonBot terminal, the Stop Loss Delay parameter is set to 5 seconds (StopLossDelay=5) in your strategy settings. If you have enabled trailing UseTrailing=YES, and for example, it is set without take profit on trailing (UseTakeProfit=NO), then the trailing line will appear not immediately after buying a coin, […]

I have set the stop delay for 5 seconds after buying a coin and during these 5 seconds I don’t see the trailing line. Is this normal trailing behaviour? Read More »

Can I set a limit on the size of the balance in the strategy settings in the MoonBot terminal so that it will not place orders for that balance?

Yes, for this purpose in the MoonBot terminal you can use the following parameter in the strategy settings on the Buy conditions tab: MinFreeBalance, if at the moment of detection the balance will be less than the value set in this parameter, the strategy will not try to place orders for the balance (not applicable

Can I set a limit on the size of the balance in the strategy settings in the MoonBot terminal so that it will not place orders for that balance? Read More »

How can I temporarily disable my MoonBot slave terminal from accepting remote control commands from the master terminal?

Remote control commands will be applied only to orders set in the MoonBot slave terminal with the AcceptCommands=YES option enabled. Thus, you can disable external control of your terminal at any time by setting AcceptCommands=NO in the Telegram strategy settings or deactivate this strategy altogether. If you do not want your terminal to accept remote

How can I temporarily disable my MoonBot slave terminal from accepting remote control commands from the master terminal? Read More »

How does the order size decrease as the number of losing sessions increases, and can I find this information in the log?

Decreasing the size of the order as the number of unprofitable sessions increases is as follows: On the 1st step the new order = 100 / (1 + 20%) = $83.3. On the second step, the new order = 83.3 / (1 + 20%) = $69.4, and so on. You can see the actual decrease

How does the order size decrease as the number of losing sessions increases, and can I find this information in the log? Read More »

How does the increase in order size occur as the number of profitable sessions increases, and is it possible to find this information in the terminal’s log?

The order size increases with the number of plus sessions as follows: For example, SessionPlusCount=5, SessionIncreaseOrder=10. Then, starting from the fifth profitable session, the order will be increased by 10%. The order size increases exponentially: at first step +10% of 100, at second step +10% of 110, and so on. You can see the actual

How does the increase in order size occur as the number of profitable sessions increases, and is it possible to find this information in the terminal’s log? Read More »

Can you give me an example of how decreasing the loss threshold in the sessions feature works?

For example, percentage of threshold reduction = 30%, SessionMinusCount=3, SessionStratMin=-100$. If you caught the third consecutive negative session, the loss threshold will decrease to SessionStratMin=-100 / 30%= $-77. Decrease in the threshold is calculated using the formula: SessionStratMin / ( 1 + (MinusCounter – SessionMinusCount + 1) * SessionStratReduceMin / 100). For example, with SessionStratReduceMin

Can you give me an example of how decreasing the loss threshold in the sessions feature works? Read More »

Can you give an example of how increasing the profit threshold in the sessions feature works?

For example: the threshold is 200$, the percentage increase is = 20%, SessionPlusCount = 3. In this case, starting with the 3rd profitable session, the threshold will be increased by 20% and will equal 240$. The threshold is increased linearly using this formula: SessionStratMax * ( 1 + (Counter – SessionPlusCount + 1) * SessionStratIncreaseMax

Can you give an example of how increasing the profit threshold in the sessions feature works? Read More »

What are the session parameters in the Sessions tab of the MoonBot strategy?

Description of the general mechanics of the sessions whose settings are on the Sessions tab of the MoonBot terminal strategies: – A strategy’s profit is aggregated and increment the profitable session counter. – A strategy’s losses are aggregated and increment the negative session counter. – Every profitable session resets the previously aggregated negative sessions (and

What are the session parameters in the Sessions tab of the MoonBot strategy? Read More »