Wall Detection Strategy Specific Parameters:
WallsMaxTime: The time in which to check the candles, seconds. The price change delta starts to be checked at this time interval.
WallsPriceDelta: The deviation of the candlesticks’ shadows on the specified time frame, (in %). The deviation of the price is measured, the coin must be within this change for the specified time WallsMaxTime. The task is to determine how long the buy wall stands with minimal moves.
WallBuyVolDeep: The distance between the price and the buy wall in the order book (in %). With this parameter, we set the distance from the current market price to check the volume of the wall.
WallBuyVolume: The volume of the wall to be checked in the base currency (not less than).
WallBuyVolToDailyVol: The volume of this wall is not less than the percentage of the daily trading volume of the coin, (in %). If the wall volume is 10 BTC, and daily trading volume is 100 BTC, the strategy will work if the parameter is 10/100=10% or less.
WallSellVolToBuy: The volume of the wall for sale is checked. Its volume should not be more than X% of the volume of the wall to buy. It is clear that there may be no wall on sale.
WallSellVolDeep: The distance between the price and the wall to sell in the order book, (in %).