Example. WallsMaxTime 600 sec, WallsPriceDelta 1%, WallBuyVolDeep 3%, WallBuyVolume 50 BTC, the daily trading volume of the coin 200BTC, WallBuyVolToDailyVol 10%, WallSellVolToBuy 30%, WallSellVolDeep 5%.
After launching the strategy, MoonBot starts looking for coins that have a buy volume of 50BTC or more at 3% below the current price. Further it is necessary that for a particular coin, that 50BTC is more than 10% of the daily trading volume. In our case, the daily trading volume is 200 BTC and our 50BTC is obviously more than 10%. So the coin goes to check further. Bot begins to watch the volume in the BID. If 5% up from the current price is less than 50BTC*30%=15 BTC to sell, then the coin is checked and is checked further. If during 600 seconds all previous conditions are fulfilled and the coin hasn’t moved up or down by 1%, then the strategy works. Important! This example is specific to the strategy’s parameters, it might not work if it does not pass the filters described above that are common to all strategies.
Can you give me an example of Wall Detection strategy settings?
Strategy settings