When should the MoonStrike strategy be used?

: Strategy settings

The goal of MoonStrike strategy is to calculate and catch a sharp downside breakout, and then place an order as quickly as possible in order to buy a coin at the bottom of the breakout. The presumed mechanics – caught triggered stock stops during the shootout, so (and because of the lag on placing the order), the strategy puts the order, but may not always buy a coin in the first shootout. In addition, the MoonStrike strategy can be used with multi-orders that are placed at the bottom of the shootout, which can be redeemed in repeated shootouts on a coin.
The MoonStrike strategy should be run on a fast dedicated servers located in Japan (Tokyo) with a ping of 10ms and with a mandatory MoonBot terminal run in an administrator mode, so that the system selects this process as a high priority.
Warning! This strategy is paid and must be purchased separately. To purchase, contact the MoonBot community admins.