When should the MoonHook strategy be used?

: Strategy settings

The MoonHook strategy is only available to bonus program participants and with the PRO version. This strategy detects a rapid drop in price, checks for a pullback, and places a buy order, which then moves in its own price corridor, as in a munschot, waiting for a second strike. Both the corridor and the initial position of the order depend linearly on the actual detection. “The “fastness” of the fall is determined by the HookTimeFrame parameter (time interval for analysis).
The strategy was developed for catching quick passes (HookTimeFrame=2 sec), but you can also play with longer intervals (HookTimeFrame=to 40 sec).
Due to the internal mechanics of the MoonHook strategy, it is possible to re-detect no earlier than HookTimeFrame seconds, without this penalty, you can get spam detections.
The strategy recalculates detection conditions once every 0.5 seconds.