Does the BuyModifier parameter in MoonHook affect the width and depth of the corridor in which the Buy orders move?

: Strategy settings

Yes, the BuyModifier parameter in the MoonHook strategy, unlike other strategies, affects the width and depth of the corridor in this strategy.
How it works: The deltas are fixed at the time of detection. Then, if the delta starts growing, the difference between the current delta and the one fixed at the moment of detection, multiplied by its coefficient, affects the lower and the upper limit of the corridor.
For example:
BuyModifier = -3 (must be negative!)
coefficient Add3hDelta = 0.05
3hDelta at detect time = 10
later, the 3hDelta starts to grow rapidly = 50
Difference = 40
if at detect time, the price range was -2%, -3%, then at the time when the delta was = 50 (difference = 40) the price range will equal:
Upper Limit = -2+(40*0.05*(-3)/2)=-5%
Lower Limit = -3+(40*0.05*(-3))=-9%

Note! The upper limit increases twice slower thatn the Lower limit! In this way, a widening of the price range is achieved!