At each fixed zoom button on the MoonBot terminal, you can additionally adjust the zoom manually by half (up or down).
That is, on the 10% button, the graph can be manually stretched to 20% or narrowed to 5% with an arbitrary scale within this range.
To do this, place the mouse cursor anywhere on the graph, press the right mouse button and hold it down to zoom in up to 20%, with the graph visually zooming out or down to zoom in up to 5%, with the graph visually zooming in.
With this method, you can quickly adjust the scale of the chart without having to flip the fixed scale buttons. The manually scaled scale will only act on the current coin and new coins to be opened in the bot, when the 10% button is pressed, will open at 10% scale, ignoring the scaling.
If you want to reset the chart to the original 10% scale according to the button, click on it again and the chart will reset to the original 10% scale.
Can I manually adjust the zoom on the MoonBot terminal chart?
Interface configuration