The MoonBot terminal can receive text messages from Telegram channels and analyse them automatically. This requires downloading and running an alternative telegram client.
Important note! If you have many bots (more than 3) connected to the same telegram account (assuming different bots, servers, clients), this can lead to serious delays or even loss of messages, i.e. not all messages may reach the bot.
To receive bot signals from telegram channels you need to
1) Click the “Enable built-in client” checkbox and log in to your Telegram account directly in the bot.
2) Or you can download an alternative Telegram using the button on your screen (the standard bot app will not work) and log in to your account. You need to register a new Telegram account only in the official Telegram, and enter the data of your existing account into the alternative Telegram (registering a new account in the alternative Telegram may result in a ban). After that, instead of the download button, there will be a Start Alternative Telegram button, click it.
3) The list of channels you are going to work with is created manually by adding the required channels using the “Add Channel” button (the required channel should also be added to your Telegram account). The name of the channel should be written without the “@” sign and without the prefix “”, for example, the channel is called “HighestPump”.
4) Once the channel you have added appears in the list, tap on it, then in the Channels with signals line:@(your channel name will appear here)
The MoonBot stores all messages received in the bot\logs\LOG_ADD_ХХХХ-ХХ-ХХ (depending on the date). The MoonBot terminal also has a built-in Telegram client. To enable it, you need to:
1) Check the “Use built-in client” box.
2) Enter your phone number, SMS code, password.
3) If necessary, you can specify a proxy server (socks5 or MTProxy). If you cannot connect to Telegram without a proxy, the bot will automatically enable the built-in MTProxy, you can then change the proxy server to your own.
4) The built-in client can be run simultaneously with the alternative client, thus receiving signals from 2 Telegram accounts.
5) Activate/deactivate the built-in Telegram client by ticking the box in the settings.
How do I connect my Telegram channel to the MoonBot terminal to receive coin buying signals from there?
Interface configuration