Yes, this sometimes happens when the user tries to sell a position by pressing the “Panic Sell” button or when the Panic Sell mode is triggered when the stop loss is triggered and not all Sell orders are closed quickly. This could be due to incorrect setting of the Panic Sell parameters or a residual small order – smaller than the minimum lot on the coin.
In this case you will see on the chart an unsold Sell order and a blue rectangular area where the bot tried to sell the Sell order.
In this case you should press the “Panic Sell” button, cancel the sale of the order, the process will be interrupted and the blue area will disappear.
Then you should either buy some more coins with a small order below and combine them into a common order to make it big enough to sell, or leave it unsold.
You can also wait for a while until the price reaches its level and closes it in time.
You can also cancel this order and leave it as a shallow balance on the exchange and later convert it into BNB for the exchange’s trading commission.
I clicked the “Panic Sell” button, the Sell order moved from the red window to the green window, but not low enough to sell the position. At the same time I see a blue rectangular area on the chart, what could it be?
Interface configuration