File system

I have some drawing elements missing in my MoonBot terminal on coin charts, can I get them back?

The MoonBot terminal has functionality that automatically saves all drawing elements on coin charts in zip files like:,, (example for USDT pair), which are saved in the bak folder. In addition, you can manually perform such saving by right-clicking on the “Pencil” icon on the main window and use the “Diskette” icon […]

I have some drawing elements missing in my MoonBot terminal on coin charts, can I get them back? Read More »

I have the MoonBot terminal on a remote server without an explorer, where will I export reports that can be saved in csv and xls format?

If your MoonBot terminal is located on a remote server without an explorer (core windows), then when you export reports in .csv and .xls format, they are saved to the terminal’s Export folder without a file selection window.

I have the MoonBot terminal on a remote server without an explorer, where will I export reports that can be saved in csv and xls format? Read More »

What additional tool besides the Funnel button is there in the MoonBot terminal for debugging the reasons for not placing munshots?

For additional debugging of the reasons why MoonBot fails to set up munshots, you can write the line MoonShotDebug=1 into the MoonBot.ini file when the terminal is switched off, with the white list set in the strategy.

What additional tool besides the Funnel button is there in the MoonBot terminal for debugging the reasons for not placing munshots? Read More »

I heard that in MoonBot terminal you can add HookRecalcInterval parameter to MoonBot.ini file, what is it for and what strategies is it used for?

When the MoonBot terminal is turned off, you can add a line to the MoonBot.ini file with a new parameter HookRecalcInterval, whose value can be from 200 to 500 (measured in milliseconds) – this is the detector recalculation interval. By default HookRecalcInterval=500 milliseconds). This value affects the detection recalculation rate of the following strategies: MoonHook,

I heard that in MoonBot terminal you can add HookRecalcInterval parameter to MoonBot.ini file, what is it for and what strategies is it used for? Read More »

Can I reduce the InternalError penalty value in MoonBot terminal and make it less than 30 seconds?

Yes, this can be done. To do this, close the MoonBot terminal, open the MoonBot.ini file in the root folder, add the line ExpertMode=1 to the end of the text and save the file. After launching the terminal in administrator mode, the InternalError penalty will be reduced from 30 to 5 seconds.

Can I reduce the InternalError penalty value in MoonBot terminal and make it less than 30 seconds? Read More »

I had the MoonBot terminal forcibly closed after switching off the light. When I restarted it, I found that all my transaction reports were empty, is there any way to restore them?

Reports on all transactions (open, closed, deleted) in the MoonBot terminal are stored in the data folder, in files like: Binance.db (for the spot market) or Binance Futures.db (for the futures market). In rare cases, if MoonBot terminal is closed unexpectedly, the file with reports may be empty. To restore it, you need to close

I had the MoonBot terminal forcibly closed after switching off the light. When I restarted it, I found that all my transaction reports were empty, is there any way to restore them? Read More »

My ISP changed my IP address and my MoonBot spot terminal was unable to connect to the exchange and save order data during the upgrade. Is it possible to restore orders in the bot?

If you use API keys that support white IP addresses, it is recommended to use permanent IP addresses. In this case you will be protected from such errors. In your case, in spot trading, if orders are not saved in the bot, you can use a backup from the bak folder of files like: bak/BinanceUSDTOrders.backup-1bak/BinanceUSDTOrders.backup-2bak/BinanceUSDTOrders.backup-3

My ISP changed my IP address and my MoonBot spot terminal was unable to connect to the exchange and save order data during the upgrade. Is it possible to restore orders in the bot? Read More »