Interface configuration

Why do I need the “Panic Sell Spread: ХХ%” slide on the MoonBot terminal’s Settings – Main tab?

In the MoonBot terminal on the Settings – Main tab there is a slider “Panic Sell Spread: ХХ%” and it can vary from 0 to +5% – this is the step change of the Sell order every 2 seconds, i.e. how fast the Panic Sell can drop the price. The higher this parameter is, the […]

Why do I need the “Panic Sell Spread: ХХ%” slide on the MoonBot terminal’s Settings – Main tab? Read More »

What is the “Analize coins on startup” checkbox on the Settings – Main tab of the MoonBot terminal for?

In the Settings – Main tab of the MoonBot terminal, there is a “Analize coins on startup” checkbox next to this checkbox and activate it, in which case the MoonBot starts downloading historical data from the exchange at its startup. Loaded the last 1000 trades on each coin, on the basis of these data is

What is the “Analize coins on startup” checkbox on the Settings – Main tab of the MoonBot terminal for? Read More »

Why do I need the “Let Panic Sell drop price to [actual buy] ХХ%” checkbox on the Settings – Main tab of the MoonBot terminal?

In the MoonBot terminal on the Settings-Main tab there is a slider “Let Panic Sell drop price to [actual buy] ХХ%” and it can vary between -40% and +5%. This is the percentage level of the buy line to which the bot will be allowed to lower the Sell order when the Panic Sell button

Why do I need the “Let Panic Sell drop price to [actual buy] ХХ%” checkbox on the Settings – Main tab of the MoonBot terminal? Read More »

Where in the MoonBot terminal can I switch between exchanges?

In the MoonBot terminal, you can switch between exchanges using the drop-down menu next to “Exchange” on the Settings – Login tab. The following types of connections are currently available: – Bittrex (spot trading) exchange is currently closed – Binance (spot trading) – Binance Futures (futures trading) – HTX (spot trading) – Binance Quarterly (futures

Where in the MoonBot terminal can I switch between exchanges? Read More »

On the MoonBot futures terminal interface, after I bought a coin, I see an extra red line on the chart, what does it mean?

On the MoonBot futures interface, after you buy a coin, an additional red line appears on the chart, which is the liquidation line and when the price crosses this line, the exchange liquidates your position. On a long position, the liquidation line appears in the green stack, and on a short position, the liquidation line

On the MoonBot futures terminal interface, after I bought a coin, I see an extra red line on the chart, what does it mean? Read More »