Can I see the report sorted by “CloseDate” column in the MoonBot terminal?

From the MoonBot main screen, press the “Reports” button and a separate table will open showing all your trades line by line.If “By CloseDate” is ticked, the report will be sorted not by the “BuyDate” column, but by the “CloseDate” column. In this case, if, for example, you have a deal opened yesterday and closed […]

Can I see the report sorted by “CloseDate” column in the MoonBot terminal? Read More »

Могу ли я в терминале MoonBot посмотреть отчет с сортировкой по колонке закрытия позиций (CloseDate)?

На главном экране терминала MoonBot нажмите кнопку Отчеты, при этом откроется отдельная таблица, в которой представлены построчно все Ваши сделки.Если установить галочку “По закрытию”, то отчет будет сортироваться не по колонке открытия позиций (BuyDate), а по колонке закрытия позиций (CloseDate). В этом случае, если, например, у вас сделка открыта “вчера”, а закрыта “сегодня” и вы

Могу ли я в терминале MoonBot посмотреть отчет с сортировкой по колонке закрытия позиций (CloseDate)? Read More »

Для чего нужен параметр DontCheckBeforeBuy в настройках стратегий?

На вкладке Filters настроек стратегий терминала MoonBot расположен параметр DontCheckBeforeBuy: Не перепроверять фильтры непосредственно перед покупкой. По умолчанию выключено, фильтры проверяются дважды: перед расчетом детекта и перед покупкой.

Для чего нужен параметр DontCheckBeforeBuy в настройках стратегий? Read More »

How did you vote for the Gate exchange to be implemented in the MoonBot terminal?

Voting for the introduction of the Gate exchange into the MoonBot terminal (on the “MoonBonus” button, “Votes” tab) was only for users of the PRO version. To vote, you had to uncheck “Hide MoonBonus button” on the “Settings – User Interface” tab, so that the “MoonBonus” button appeared on the main window. After clicking it,

How did you vote for the Gate exchange to be implemented in the MoonBot terminal? Read More »

Is there an instruction for registering Bybit exchange API keys in MoonBot terminal?

 Make a copy of the MoonBot working folder to a new folder.Go to the Settings – Login tab, select Bybit (spot trading) or Bybit Futures (futures trading) from the list of exchanges, and click Apply.Register Bybit API keys in the MoonBot terminal (version becomes Free). Make sure that the MoonBot terminal ID has not changed.

Is there an instruction for registering Bybit exchange API keys in MoonBot terminal? Read More »

Is there any instruction for registering API keys from Gate exchange in MoonBot terminal?

 Instructions for registering Gate API keys in the MoonBot terminal:1) Register an account on the Gate exchange using our referral link https://www.gate.io/signup/MOONLOVE?ref_type=103. It is NOT necessary to switch to a universal account (UTA), as on Bybit exchange (it is impossible without VIP2 status).2) Activate a futures account on the Gate exchange. To do this, go

Is there any instruction for registering API keys from Gate exchange in MoonBot terminal? Read More »