Can I send one trust management command to my Telegram channel like: cmd_buy 1000FLOKI Key 1, so that three different strategies would buy coins using this command, each of which would set a different SellPrice?

: Control via Telegram

Yes, it is possible, for this purpose you should create three different Telegram strategies that would be able to accept trust management commands from your Telegram channel. In them on the Main tab you will have to set the ChannelKey=1 (set the key 1, by which these strategies will understand that the command is directed to them), AcceptCommands=YES (accept trust management commands) and IndependentSignals=YES (upon receiving a signal all suitable strategies will be triggered). In each of the strategies you can set your own parameters: order size, SellPrice level, stops, trailing and so on.nAfter receiving the following message from your Telegram channel: cmd_buy 1000FLOKI Key 1, all three strategies will trigger simultaneously and place Buy orders according to your settings.