Example of a Drop Detection strategy:
Let DropsMaxTime = 100 sec, DropsPriceMA = 20 sec, DropsLastPriceMA = 1 sec, DropsPriceDelta = 2%. So MoonBot tracks the price change over the last 100 seconds. At each interval of 20 seconds, it determines the average price in the interval. From that, it takes the largest one and compares it to the current market price. If the current market price is 2% lower than the largest price, the strategy works (for example, the largest price was $102, the current price is $100. The drop will be equal to (102 / 100 – 1) * 100 = 2%. Important! The example is given specifically for the strategy parameters, it might not work if it does not pass the filters described above common to the strategy.
Can you give an example of a Drop Detection strategy?
Strategy settings