Can you tell me more about setting the BinancePriceBug parameter, which is located on the Filters tab of the strategy settings of the MoonBot terminal?

: Strategy settings

In the MoonBot terminal, on the Filters tab of the strategy settings, there is a parameter called BinancePriceBug (default 0.5% for futures, default 1.0% for spot): the price lag percentage at which trading in this strategy should be stopped.
If this filter is triggered, a 30 second penalty is activated on the strategy, so new orders for this strategy will not be placed on all coins for at least 30 seconds or more if the price lag does not go down.

For clarity, the current calculated price lag value (PriceLag line) is displayed in the Info window, which is opened by clicking on the traffic light icon (green or orange circle, to the left of the Ping value) in the lower left corner of the MoonBot terminal information bar.

How the price lag is calculated: the price of the “knot” on the brown price line (for the light theme) is compared with the trades for the last 10 seconds. The smallest discrepancy is taken for each market, then the largest discrepancy is taken for all markets.
That is, the price lag is the largest across all markets of the closest distances between the crosses and the price line.

Usually the values of BinancePriceBug=0.5% (for futures) and BinancePriceBug=1.0% (for spot) should be enough in the normal operation of the exchange and in this case there are almost no false positives and stops of strategies, and the real price lag, if it happens, then at large values.

There are traders who want to protect themselves when lagging the price on the Binance exchange and we will recommend them to leave the default values. But some riskier traders are not satisfied with penalties after stopping the strategy, when it is possible to buy back the asset at a more interesting price and they set BinancePriceBug to large values and do not stop trading even with significant lags of the exchange.