How can I remotely change strategy parameters to stop or start strategies in the MoonBot terminal?
When using folders in the MoonBot terminal to quickly switch strategies (not through the START/STOP bot), you can send commands to folders/strategies via telegram in the parameters: white list (coin, empty), AutoBuy (YES/NO), number of orders (0 on stop), filters, etc.
All strategies should be running (light on) and stop conditions should be set in the right parameters on those strategies that should not place orders.
For example, switch strategies SHOTS/DROPS through a white list:
SetParam SHOTS CoinsWhiteList Y
(this command prohibits work of the strats in the SHOTS folder by whitelisting a coin “Y”, which is not on the market)
SetParam DROPS CoinsWhiteList empty
(this command allows the strats in the DROPS folder by whitelisting them, if the conditions in the filters setting are met)
Then, for example, you can set AutoBuy NO to disable strategies in the DROPS folder and then set AutoBuy YES to enable strategies in the PUMP folder:
SetParam DROPS AutoBuy NO
(With this command you disable auto-buy in all strategies in the DROPS folder)
SetParam PUMP AutoBuy YES
(With this command we enable auto-buy in all strategies in the PUMP folder)