How can I use the “Share” button on the main window of the MoonBot terminal to send messages to my Telegram channel or group?

: MoonBot and Telegram

You can use the “Share” button to send messages to your Telegram channel or group.

To do this, first open the chart of any coin and click the “Share” button on the right side of the main window of the MoonBot terminal to open the “Share market” settings window.

1) Tick “Don’t show this screen next time (you can still open it by right-clicking on the “Share” button)”.
*When this checkbox is checked, the “Share market” window will not be opened by left-clicking on the “Share” button, but the “Share” command will be executed, and the “Share market” window will now be opened by right-clicking on the “Share” button.

2) Tick the “I’d like to post signals to my own channel automatically” box.

3) Enter the bot token from the bot obtained from @BotFather.

4) Enter the channel name in the “My channel name” field:
a) if the channel is open, you must enter the channel name.
b) if the channel is closed, you need to enter its id.
To find out the id of the channel, you can write any message to your channel, which is listening to your MoonBot terminal (on the Settigs-Telegram tab), for example, the command “BTCUSDT BUY” and see this message in the log file in the folder logs\LOG_ADD_2023-XX-XX.log, it will contain the id of the channel or use the @username_to_id_bot: use the search bar in Telegram to find the @username_to_id_bot and launch it (the button “Launch”).
Then click on the “Channel” button, select your channel from the list, from which you want to know the id and confirm the action.
Then look in the Telegram bot @username_to_id_bot information “Chat id: -10017ХХХХХХХХХХ26” and copy this id. The id through the bot and through the ADD log will be different:

Chat id: -10017XXXXXXXXXXX26 (this is how the id from @username_to_id_bot looks like)
id:17XXXXXXXXX26 (this is the id from the MoonBot terminal’s ADD log without the “-100” prefix).

And you can enter in the field “My channel name” as such id “-10017XXXXXXXXX26”, or you can discard “-100” and enter such id “17XXXXXXXXX26” in both cases everything will work.

5) Tick “Send only share signals”.

6) Click the “Test” button to check if messages are being sent to your channel. If a message with time appears in the channel, everything is set up correctly.

Then you can close the “Share market” window and open the chart of any coin, for example PEPE and press the “Share” button. After that, a record of the following type will appear in your channel:
#PEPE delta: -0.2% flat
UserXXXXX @ RatingXXXX.
With these messages you can notify all subscribers to your channel that this coin is worthy of attention.

But you can additionally switch on the “I’d like to post Trust Management signals via UDP” checkbox and tick the necessary checkboxes for sending commands. Then your actions (buy, sell, etc.) will be broadcast to the Telegram channel and can be used by other (slave) bots that follow the commands in your channel.

In addition, you can subscribe the same bot to this channel and send messages to it using the “Share” button, which will then be read by your MoonBot terminal and trigger various telegram strategies that perform different functions: buy, sell, trigger strategies, reset trigger keys, and other actions. Similar actions can be done with other terminals, by pressing the “Share” button in one terminal, you can stop trading on all your terminals, remove unrealised Buy orders in them and quickly free up the balance for a more interesting coin, launch the necessary strategies and other actions.