How do I add graphs to the MoonBot terminal monitoring windows?

: Interface configuration

You can manually or automatically add charts to MoonBot monitoring windows.
There are several ways to manually add charts to monitoring windows:
1) Using the “Yellow Star” (Favorites) button.
2) By entering the coin name in the coin search field.
3) By clicking on the button with an eye to the right of the chart in the main window of the terminal.
4) By clicking the PCM on the inscription with the name of the market to the right of the chart in the main window of the terminal.
You can automatically add charts to the monitoring windows using the strategies by detection or by the fact of purchase by the MoonShot strategy.
The strategies have parameters for this purpose:
AddToChart: Number of the monitoring window to which to add coin charts when the strategy is triggered.
KeepInChart: How many seconds to keep the chart in the window.
If a chart is added automatically, a Pin button appears in its upper left corner. If you click on it, it disappears and the chart stays in the window forever, otherwise it is removed after KeepInChart seconds.
The order of charts that do not have a Pin can be changed manually by dragging them with the SHIFT button pressed, both within the same window and between other windows from the same MoonBot terminal.

For more information about the module for monitoring charts in separate windows, see this page: