Open a chart of any coin and click the “Share” button to the right of the chart on the main window of the MoonBot terminal. This will open the “Share market” window with the Social Trading settings. If you want the terminal to send commands to your own channel automatically without clicking on the “Share” button, tick the “I’d like to post signals to my own channel automatically” box. Then you need to create your own Telegram channel and get your personal bot token from @BotFather in Telegram. Your Telegram bot must be an admin in your Telegram channel. Enter the token you received in the “My Bot token” field in the “Share market” window.
If your Telegram channel is public, enter its short name in the “My channel name” field, if it is a private Telegram channel, you need to find out its ID and enter the channel ID in the “My channel name” field.
To find out the ID, you can write any message to your Telegram channel and see this message in the logs\LOG_ADD_MM_DD file and there will be the ID or use third-party Telegram bots that allow you to show the ID of your channel.
If Telegram is blocked in your region, you can use Socks5 proxy.
Next, click the Test button to check if messages are sent to your Telegram channel.
How do I configure sending trust commands from the MoonBot (Master) terminal?
Control via Telegram