How do I connect the new API keys from my account in the MoonBot terminal?

: Interface configuration

Obtaining API keys on Binance: To register keys, go to API Management on the exchange website. Enter any name for the new keys, click API created. Enter the two-factor authorization code. After receiving the API KEY and API SECRET it is recommended to save them in a separate file (for security reasons Binance will not allow to view the API Secret in case of their loss and they will be hidden behind asterisks).
NOTE: Once the keys have been created, the permissions for the API must be edited, in particular the checkboxes permitting spot and futures trading must be ticked and then the changes must be saved, otherwise the placing of orders will not be possible.
IMPORTANT: It is also necessary to select “Allow access only to trusted IP addresses” and specify the addresses where the bots will work with these keys. If this is not done, the permission for spot and margin trading will only be valid for 90 days, after which you will need to re-edit the key restrictions and check the “Enable spot and margin trading” box.
If you plan to run MoonBot terminals for different exchanges at the same time; you can register keys in the same MoonBot terminal without copying it, and switch between exchanges using the exchange selection drop-down list. However, it is better to make a copy of the MoonBot terminal, select a different exchange there and register API keys from the other exchange.
PRO version owners can create multiple API keys in their exchanger account and register them in the PRO version for free. To do this you must:
1) Copy the PRO version of the MoonBot terminal to a separate folder.
2) Run MoonBot from this folder in administrator mode.
3) Make sure you have a working PRO version of the MoonBot running and that your MoonBot ID is green in the Settings-Login tab in the top left corner.
4) There, on the Settings – Login tab, click on “Register another keys”, enter the new API keys instead of the current ones and click on “Register API keys”. Be careful not to leave any characters from the previous keys in the fields and when copying the new ones, do not trap a space at the end.
5) After this MoonBot with the new keys will also become the PRO version.