To do this, you need to do the following in the MoonBot terminal:n1) On the Settings-Advanced-Engine settings tab, tick the Auto Leverage option (automatic leverage change up to x5 if the position limit is exceeded). n2) Click on the “Show Markets” button and then at the bottom of the “MarketsTable” click on the “Manage Leverage” button. There, tick the box next to “Auto leverage” (automatically change leverage to reach the maximum specified order) and tick the box next to “Allow Leverage Up” (increase leverage if the desired limit can be reached with higher leverage). In the Config field you should write, for example, 100 def and it will be enough for all coins to always have the maximum leverage. After that click Apply. Immediately a request will be given to the exchange to raise all the leverages to the maximum and, subsequently, the leverages will be automatically adjusted when they are reduced on the exchange or when the exchange returns the previous sizes of leverages.n
How to configure parameters in MoonBot terminal, if on Binance exchange when leverage decreases from x50 to x20, the terminal automatically decreases leverage to x20, and if the exchange then raises leverage again, for example, to x75, the terminal would also automatically increase leverage on this coin to x75, and in addition, that leverage on all coins were always the maximum possible?
Interface configuration