Starting with MoonBot 6.89, a new parameter IndependentSignals=NO/YES has been added to the strategy settings.
If IndependentSignals=NO, then the logic remains the same: strategies are checked in a row from the list, after finding the first strategy that matches the detection conditions, a signal is issued, and the rest of the strategies are not checked, i.e. this logic worked all the time before version 6.89.
If IndependentSignals=YES, then the logic of the strategies is new: all strategies in the list are signalled, up to the first one that is not ticked.
In the following strategies the IndependentSignals parameter is NOT used (physically absent): PumpsDetection, MoonShot, UDP, Manual, Combo, TopMarket.
In the following strategies IndependentSignals=YES is always enabled (without the option to uncheck YES): NewListing, EMA, Spread, MoonHook, Activity (since these strategies have previously worked according to the logic provided by ticking IndependentSignals=YES).
In the following strategies the IndependentSignals parameter can be used in two positions or IndependentSignals=NO or IndependentSignals=YES as the user thinks for his algorithms: Telegram, DropsDetection, WallsDetection, MoonStrike, Volumes, VolumesLite, Waves, Delta.