I keep the same deposits on different MoonBot terminals for autotrading and have different strategies running on them. How can I verify that the deposits on all terminals are being used efficiently and there are no unused funds?

: Interface configuration

To check how effectively the trading deposit is used in the MoonBot terminal, go to Menu-Balances and at the bottom of the opened Assets window look at the value of the counter “Min: XX $” – is the minimum unused balance of this terminal. If, for example, your trading balance on this terminal was 1000$ and the value says Min: 300$ – it means that strategies on this terminal effectively use only 770$ out of 1000$ and you can redistribute the unused balance of 300$ to other terminals to increase the efficiency of your trading deposit. If you want to reset the “Min: XX $” counter, click on the button with a red cross to the right of it.