I want to send different remote control commands to different strategies for the MoonBot Slave Terminal, what do I need to do to do this?

: Control via Telegram

You need to create several Telegram strategies in the MoonBot slave terminal that read commands from the controlling Telegram channel and specify a different keyword for each of them in the ChannelKey parameter. For example, for the first strategy it will be the word ST1 (ChannelKey=ST1) and for the second strategy it will be ST2 (ChannelKey=ST2). Then you will need to send the command in the controlling Telegram channel in full format, including the key at the end of the command for the strategy that has this key. So the command for the first strategy, for example, would be: cmd_Buy BTC 1% sell 1% OrderSize 100% Key ST1, and for the second strategy, for example, would be: cmd_Buy ETH 2% sell 2% OrderSize 100% Key ST2.