Is it possible to implement such an algorithm in the MoonBot terminal that when buying one coin, another coin that I need would be bought immediately on the trigger?

: Strategy settings

Yes, such an algorithm can be implemented and it can be useful, for example, if you know that some coins go the same way and when one coin pumps, after some time another coin starts to pump. Then you can set the detector on one “guide” coin, buy it or just give detector from it and at the same time buy another / other coins, the prices of which, as you assume, will follow the price of the “guide”.
For example, we need to buy Coin1 (BTC) to buy Coin2 (ETH) immediately on the trigger.
Then in the Master strategy use the trigger detector (TriggerKey) with the TriggerAllMarkets=YES checkbox set and AutoBuy=NO (no auto-buy) parameter – this will allow the trigger to activate the Slave strategy on all markets, but the purchase by Slave strategy will be limited to its white list.
Further it is possible to develop the algorithm so that when BTC coin is sold by Master strategy, ETH coin will be sold by Slave strategy immediately by trigger.
To do this, you add the necessary triggers to the Master strategy to sell at a loss or profit and close the position using the TriggerBL setting on the Slave strategy.
That is, if you need to close a Slave position at the same time as a Master position, regardless of whether it was a loss or a profit for the Master, then the same triggers are specified in the Master strategy settings:
And Slave strategy uses these parameter settings:
Which coin should be monitored by Master strategy is specified in its white list (Master: CoinWhiteList=BTC), and which coin should be bought by Slave strategy from Master strategy trigger is specified in its white list (Slave: CoinWhiteList=ETH).
You can change combinations and, for example, Master strategy will monitor 3 coins from one white list (Master: CoinWhiteList=COIN1 COIN2 COIN3), and Slave strategy will buy coins from another white list (Master: CoinWhiteList=COIN4 COIN5 COIN6 …), for example, if one of three phantokens started to grow, you can buy other phantokens, which have not pamped yet, but can do it.
* Variants of using this algorithm can be different, more useful algorithms can be found in the private MoonBot Academy English paid Telegram group (contact Kost Main for access to this group).