Yes, you can do this by opening the Settings-Hotkeys tab in the MoonBot terminal and setting the desired key combination (CTRL-S by default) in the “Sells to rectangle” field. If you press this hotkey and then hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard, you can stretch the area on the chart, within which all Sell orders on this coin will be distributed evenly within the boundary of the stretched area. nThis functionality will allow you to quickly distribute Sell orders in steps in any place (under the wall, above the wall, wider, narrower), in this case you do not lose precious time to distribute them manually with a uniform distance between them. This distribution will help you when selling a position in parts, and will also allow you to be low profile on low volume coins and instead of one large order, you can break it up into parts and then place several smaller orders for sale in an even grid. nUseful features of the Sell order distribution feature:n1) If you click at one point on the chart (without stretching), all Sell orders will be gathered into one line (analogue of the “All to 1 price” combination)n2) If you stretch or click with a stretch into the green glass, the entire stack of Sell orders will be immediately thrown into the green glass and a quick sell on the market will take place (analogue of Panic Sell).
Is it possible to quickly move Sell orders on the chart at the required distance with the same step between each other in MoonBot terminal?
Interface configuration